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💇‍♀️Transforming Referrals & Customer Acquisition at a Birmingham-Based Salon with RefrMe

Transforming Referrals & Customer Acquisition at a Birmingham-Based Salon with RefrMe

In the competitive world of hair and beauty, word-of-mouth referrals have always been a powerful tool for bringing in new clients. However, traditional methods—like handing out referral cards or relying on verbal communication—often fall short. A Birmingham-based salon recently discovered this the hard way. But with the help of RefrMe, they transformed their referral process and saw impressive results.

The Old Way: Missed Opportunities

Before using RefrMe, this Birmingham-based salon used a common approach to referrals. Stylists would mention the referral incentive during appointments, and customers would receive referral cards at the front desk. Although simple, this method had significant drawbacks. Referral cards were often lost or forgotten, and verbal incentives were easily overlooked once customers left the salon.

Picture this: A loyal client leaves the salon, referral card in hand, intending to pass it on to a friend. But by the time they get home, the card is misplaced, and the incentive—and potential new client—are forgotten. It’s a missed opportunity that the salon simply couldn’t afford.

The RefrMe Transformation: Keeping Referrals Top of Mind

RefrMe stepped in to help this Birmingham salon overcome these challenges, offering tools that made managing referrals easier and more effective.

Unique RefrMe Link

Old: The salon relied on physical referral cards and word-of-mouth to communicate their referral incentive. However, these methods often resulted in customers forgetting about the incentive or losing the card altogether. New: With RefrMe, the salon integrated their unique referral link directly into text reminders sent to customers. Now, whenever a client receives a reminder for their upcoming appointment, the referral incentive is prominently displayed. When customers click the link, they’re immediately shown the referral incentive and can begin the referral process right away. Value Add: By keeping the referral incentive top of mind and making the referral process seamless, customers were more likely to refer friends and family, leading to a steady stream of new clients.

QR Code Integration

Old: Stylists would mention the referral incentive during appointments, and customers received referral cards at the front desk. While this approach worked in theory, it relied heavily on the customer’s memory and willingness to act after leaving the salon. New: RefrMe helped the salon implement QR code marketing materials that were strategically placed on mirrors and other visible areas throughout the salon. During their appointments, customers could easily scan the QR code to access the referral incentive, which was displayed immediately. From there, they could quickly start the referral process.

Results: A Boost in Revenue

The combination of RefrMe's unique referral link and QR code integration yielded impressive results. In the first 12 months, the salon generated 44 referrals, each with an average ticket of $100 for bi-monthly appointments. This led to an additional $26,400 in revenue for the salon.

By leveraging RefrMe, this Birmingham-based salon was able to modernize their referral process, making it more seamless and convenient for both their clients and their team. The results speak for themselves—a significant increase in referrals and a substantial boost in revenue. This case shows that with the right tools, any salon can transform its referral strategy and achieve remarkable growth.

If you’re ready to take your salon’s referral game to the next level, see how RefrMe can help you capture, track, and reward referrals more effectively. This Birmingham salon did it, and you can too!

Last updated