🚀Our Features

Welcome to the RefrMe product features page! Discover how RefrMe can transform your referral process and drive significant growth for your business. Our platform is designed to make referrals easy.

Quick Capture

Generate your unqiue RefrMe link and QR codes for easy sharing via texts, emails, business cards, and other mediums. This seamless sharing capability ensures that your customers can effortlessly refer others.

Real-Time Notifications and Referral Tracking

Stay informed with real-time notifications and detailed tracking of referrals. Monitor who referred whom to ensure that every referring customer is recognized and rewarded appropriately.

Showcase Referral Incentives

Highlight and promote your referral incentives to encourage loyal customers to make referrals and attract new ones. Use a variety of rewards, such as discounts, freebies, or exclusive offers, to increase referral activity.

Advanced Dashboard for Sales Team

Utilize our intuitive dashboard to empower your sales team. Gain comprehensive insights and analytics to optimize your referral strategy, track performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to enhance growth.

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