😎Welcome to RefrMe

What is RefrMe?

What is RefrMe? Welcome! RefrMe is a powerful referral software designed to help you boost your business through effortless and rewarding referrals.

With RefrMe, you can generate unique referral links and QR codes, making it easy for your customers to share referrals via texts, emails, and business cards. You'll receive real-time notifications and detailed tracking of referrals, ensuring that every referring customer is recognized and rewarded. Highlight your referral incentives to attract new customers and reward loyal ones, and empower your sales team with our intuitive dashboard for comprehensive insights and analytics. 🚀

🤝What we do🚀Our Features

Get Started

We've put together some helpful guides for you to get setup with our product quickly and easily.

🔁Add a Referral💰Manage Referral Incentive🔗Referral Link and QR Code

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